Are you a Financial Advisor based in the West Midlands seeking retirement or exit from the financial services?

Acquisition options:

Sell and Go

This would suit an Adviser looking to retire or exit financial services, although be available for handover meetings to ensure there is a smooth transition.

Acquisition Deal Value

Offering competitive acquisition deals of between 3 and 4 times recurring income with typically 50% upfront followed by two 25% deferred payments at the end of year 1 and 2.

The Acquirer

Two IFA colleagues established their separate directly authorised IFA businesses in 2019, having both been IFAs for circa 10 and 20 years respectively. One is already Chartered and the other is on his way to becoming Chartered. Whilst they follow restrictive advice for new investments via 5 risk rated Managed Investment Portfolios, they both have open architecture to leave acquired clients within their existing investment mandates and for top ups, with no plans to change these investments or charging structure unless they can demonstrate that it is in the clients best interest to do so.

The IFAs have offices in Bromsgrove and Coventry and have clients across the West Midlands and surrounding area.

Recognising that everyone’s personal situations are unique, they will take the time to get to know your clients and what’s important to them to provide a seamless continuity of ongoing servicing to them. With full holistic financial planning they can provide advice to individuals, families and companies on pensions, investments and insurance to tax, estate planning, mortgages and equity release.

Using award-winning technology, they can provide straightforward and transparent advice in a simple and convenient way along with giving your clients 24/7 online access to their complete financial affairs. As a result, clients will remain well informed.

This is ideal for Financial Advisors:

  • Considering retirement
  • Want to hand over to IFAs with capacity to absorb their clients to provide high quality ongoing advice without cherry picking top clients and risk of losing the lower value clients
  • Preferably the majority of clients are aged under 75

Only want to deal with individuals that have combined 30 years Adviser experience and are financially able to finance an acquisition

IFA Client Bank Criteria

  • Local client bank within the West Midlands area
  • You should be a sole trader with around £60k – £70k of recurring income
  • Few clients over the age of 75 with the preference being a younger client bank
  • Ideally, FuM should be predominantly platform based


  • A seamless transition which enables you to still be available in the background if they had any queries and to support the advisers – thus maximising retention of clients
  • No immediate planned changes to existing Investment Mandates or Ongoing Adviser Charges
  • Confidence of clients continuing to receive professional financial advice for many years to come.


West Midlands

Call us now on 0208 0044 162 to discuss this further

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The information contained in our advert including any on target earnings information are given in good faith and IFA Acquisitions Ltd uses all reasonable efforts to ensure that it is accurate. However, IFA Acquisitions Ltd gives no representation or warranty in respect of such information and all such representations and warranties, whether express or implied, are excluded. No liability is accepted by IFA Acquisitions Ltd for any loss or damage which may arise out of any person relying on or using any information within this advert.