Reference: 24986 | Region: North West , Selling | Price: £459,000 | Funds Under Management: c£25,000,000 |
Recurring Income: c£153,000 | No of Active Households: 97

This firm is an Authorised Representative of a Financial Adviser Network. The owner of this business is looking to sell as they would like to retire.

They are eager to undertake an Ambassadorial role with the business post-sale to ensure a smooth transition and maximise client retention. They would also like for the firms part-time Administrator to remain for continuity however deals are not contingent on this.

The firm has around £25m FuM with a recurring income of c£153k. They have 97 active households with an average holding per household of £266k. Their client bank is predominantly based in the North West however the firm provides services to clients across the UK. Their current ongoing charge averages 0.6% and the seller is keen for clients to remain on their existing structure during the deferred buyout period, unless in the clients best interest to move.

This is a low-risk business with no high-risk areas of advice and any liability for past advice given would remain with the Network. The ideal purchase price for this business would be a multiple of 3x or above of recurring income via share purchase.