Are you a 1, 2 or 3 person IFA business seeking to sell to a long established independent financial advice business who values a business on EBITDA rather than just recurring income?
Sell and retire or sell and stay acquisition options available
The firm have set aside a budget (no gearing) of c£2m to acquire one or two high-quality firms.
Acquisition Deal Value
Competitive multiple of EBITDA with a payment structure typically over 2 years.
This is ideal for Financial Advisors based close to existing offices:
- London
- 2 offices in the West Midlands
- East Midlands
- North West
- Central Scotland
- South Coast
- South Wales
However, other areas across the UK will be considered.
This is ideal for Financial Advisors that:
- Are considering retirement and want your clients to be looked after by an independent financial advice firm with open architecture, with no immediate intentions to change existing investment structures or adviser charging arrangements already in place
- Want to handover to a family-owned group company that has been involved in financial and insurance services for the last 30 years
- Would like an experienced firm who are looking after at least £300m Funds under Management and looking after a range of clients from different walks of life including UHNWI’s
- Require a financially robust profitable firm with substantial retained profits to underpin the payment structure
The Company
This family firm was established 30 years ago. The group consist of three separate parts, insurance, underwriting and wealth. The wealth division was set up over 20 years ago. With offices set up in several parts of the UK there is opportunity to acquire IFA firms across a wide geographical area. The firm has no borrowings / gearing and has a budget to spend £2m on IFA acquisitions from retained profits / acquired wealth. Whilst the firm have a centralised investment proposition using 5 risk rated model portfolios, advisers are not mandated to only use the CIP and can deviate from this. Typically, lower value clients will be invested through a managed fund and higher value clients may be invested in offshore bonds. As well as the firm providing wealth management advice to individuals, they also provide corporate advice to business owners and decision makers providing advice on employee benefits, executive remuneration and protection of company director assets. The firm has technical expertise to deliver complex financial planning advice.
IFA Client Bank Criteria
- The business should be well-run and a safe book with no or minimal higher risk investments nor any compliance issues
- You should be a 1, 2 or 3 person IFA businesses where the owners are ready to retire now or join with deferred purchase
- Clients should have minimum investments of £100,000 and ideally the majority of clients with over £200k.
Financial Advisor Client Acquisition Benefits
- Directly authorised, independent with open architecture
- Valuation is on the basis of a multiple of EBITDA (stripped out underlying profitability after adding back payments to directors and one-off expenses)
- Family run business with no plans to build and sell in the medium to long term
- Offices located across many parts of the UK
- Business established 30 years ago with sound financials and excellent track record
- Will consider asset and share purchases
City of London, The Midlands, North West, Scotland, South Coast and South Wales
Call us now on 0208 0044 162 to discuss this further
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The information contained in our advert including any on target earnings information are given in good faith and IFA Acquisitions Ltd uses all reasonable efforts to ensure that it is accurate. However, IFA Acquisitions Ltd gives no representation or warranty in respect of such information and all such representations and warranties, whether express or implied, are excluded. No liability is accepted by IFA Acquisitions Ltd for any loss or damage which may arise out of any person relying on or using any information within this advert.