Are you a medium to large size IFA Firm looking to sell your shares to an international private equity acquirer seeking to break into the UK IFA market?

The Company

This consortium of Private Equity investors comprises of UHNW highly successful business individuals who generally are the Alumni of a leading Business School in California, USA. They are invested in a wide variety of companies in the US and overseas.

They are seeking to acquire a buy and build IFA in the UK and have engaged us to source potential target firms where they would initially purchase all equity under a line of committed capital.

The Consortium is being led by an individual who was previously a Director at Merrill Lynch, one of the largest wealth management businesses in the world. With a background of great experience in building businesses he has now amalgamated a team of financial backers to support his entry into the UK IFA space as he is looking to acquire a large directly authorised IFA company which has the right infrastructure in place to form a sizeable hub.  

Offering independent financial advice with open architecture to enable clients to stay invested on existing investment mandates.

The firm have strong financials with funding in place to support their growth plans through large scale acquisitions.

They have an excellent acquisition track record.

Option – Sell and Stay

This is ideal if:

  • You are considering a full or partial sale of shares with the latter under a put and call option to acquire the remaining shares at a later date
  • Your business has growth potential both organically and through further acquisition capital
  • You want to create a capital event with a highly competitive price for your business with ongoing remuneration to stay with the business post sale
  • You would like open architecture to allow your client to stay on existing investment mandates


Generally a multiple of 6x – 8x EBITDA

Typical deal structure of 50% upfront on completion, 25% at 12 months and 25% at 24 months


  • Independent Financial Advice
  • Open architecture to leave clients on existing mandates
  • Honour existing charging structures during the deferred buyout period
  • Robust financials in place to fund the purchase price
  • Seeking a share deal with change in control of directly authorised permissions
  • Opportunity to remain with the firm post-acquisition to continue its growth strategy with suitable bonuses for meeting financial and performance milestones


  • You must be a Financial Adviser, with minimum FuM of between £100m and £250m
  • Clean compliance record with no / few upheld complaints



Call us now on 0208 0044 162 or click Apply

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The information contained in our advert including any valuation calculations and percentage of up front and deferred payments are given in good faith and Premier Jobs UK Ltd uses all reasonable efforts to ensure that it is accurate. However, Premier Jobs UK Ltd gives no representation or warranty in respect of such information and all such representations and warranties, whether express or implied, are excluded. No liability is accepted by Premier Jobs UK Ltd for any loss or damage which may arise out of any person relying on or using any information within this advert.