Reference: 23021 | Region: Selling , South East | Price: £780,000 - £832,000 | Funds Under Management: £26,000,000 |
Recurring Income: £208,000 | No of Active Households: 82

This IFA is looking for an acquirer to take over the servicing of their clients, so that they can retire in early 2023. They would be happy to stay on post sale in an Ambassadorial role for up to 2 years.

The business has 82 active households with average holdings of £317,000, predominantly in the South East. FuM of £26m and recurring income of £208,000 – average adviser fee of 0.8%.

This is a clean business with no upheld complaints. As this is an RI, any past advice liability will ultimately remain with the directly authorised entity and will not be attached to the vendor company. With this in mind, they are seeking a Share Purchase to qualify for BADR and seeking up to 4x recurring income.