Are you an individual Financial Adviser looking to plan your retirement strategy with a guaranteed 15-year annuity payout worth circa 6 times recurring income (and could be considerably more)?
The Company – This Chartered IFA firm has continued to grow profitably and is now highly respected as one of the largest Chartered Financial Planning firms in the UK. With c170 IFA’s and overseeing £7bn of client assets, they pride themselves on their forward-thinking approach by offering you the opportunity to benefit from receiving a share of recurring and new business income from your client bank over the next 15 years.
Options – Retirement Plan
The Retirement Plan, guarantees a long-term annuity pay-out worth circa 6 times recurring income.
The newly launched scheme is a flexible 15-year income plan with cash-out options at each five-year interval. A key aspect of the structure of this new proposition is that all ongoing payments can benefit from Entrepreneur’s Relief (subject to HMRC confirmation), meaning that the model is highly tax-efficient to retiring IFA’s.
The retirement plan enables advisers to integrate into our Client’s operating platform over a minimum 12-month transition period, work with a chosen IFA successor that our client will provide, and then fully retire, all within 12 to 24 months.
Aimed at individual advisers looking to sell their business on retirement, the Retirement Plan allows advisers to secure the future of their business and guarantee continuity of high-quality, independent advice for their clients. Importantly, our client’s offering also comes with the commitment that client charges will not increase and the level of choice that clients enjoy will not be reduced.
You have the ability to trigger the sale of your business when the time is right for you. This will unlock an upfront payment plus an ongoing income from your continued recurring income and any new business written from by the Advisers who takeover your clients.
- 40% paid on triggering sale, based on previous 12 months recurring income
- 30% paid annually on recurring income for further 15 years (benefitting from any stockmarket growth)
- 20% of all New Business Income throughout the next 15 years plus 30% of recurring income on these new funds under management
- Cash-out options available after 5 or 10 years
This is an ideal opportunity if you:
- Are considering your retirement plan
- Want a fair price for your client bank
- Require a regular tax-efficient retirement income over the next 15 years
- Want to nominate your beneficiaries under the Annuity in the event of your premature death
- Would like a structured, simple handover that is sensitive to your clients
- Only want to deal with a financially sound and highly reputable Financial Advisory firm
- Benefit from joining a highly respected Chartered IFA firm that provides you the opportunity to maximise growth in your business and ultimately your sale value.
Benefits of joining as a partner
- Strong reputation developed by one of the largest Chartered financial planning firms in the UK
- Whole-of-market proposition, therefore will not require you to shoehorn your clients
- Take away the hassle from you of compliance, GABRIEL returns, FSCS levy etc
- Excellent support to grow your business during the integration phase from in-house paraplanning, skilled compliance, marketing initiatives and fantastic in-house training
You must be a Financial Adviser, with an established client bank and minimum £100,000 of recurring income.
Contact us: Call us now on 0208 0044 162 to further discuss this opportunity, or email us at [email protected] with your interest and details to receive a call from one of our Senior team.
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The information contained in our advert including any valuation calculations and percentage of up front and deferred payments are given in good faith and IFA Acquisitions Ltd uses all reasonable efforts to ensure that it is accurate. However, IFA Acquisitions Ltd gives no representation or warranty in respect of such information and all such representations and warranties, whether express or implied, are excluded. No liability is accepted by IFA Acquisitions Ltd for any loss or damage which may arise out of any person relying on or using any information within this advert.