Are you a Financial Advisor based in South Yorkshire or West Yorkshire with up to £30m FuM seeking retirement or exit from financial services?

Acquisition option:

Sell and Go

This would suit an Adviser looking to retire or exit financial services, although be available for handover meetings to ensure there is a smooth transition.

Acquisition Deal Value

Offering competitive acquisition deals of between 3 and 4 times recurring income with negotiable payment terms – typically 50% upfront followed by two 25% deferred payments at the end of year 1 and 2.

The Acquirer

Our client is a Chartered Financial Planner. For more than 18 years, he has been helping individuals and families reach their financial goals. His Chartered status and Fellowship from the Chartered Insurance Institute demonstrates his commitment to financial planning and provides the assurance that he has professionally gone the extra mile so that he is better educated to meet his clients aims and objectives. He can also provide advice on more complex areas of financial planning which include VCT’s, EIS, BR, SIPP’s SSAS and complex investments.His wealth of experience in financial services has provided the foundations to build great relationships and trust with his clients, who he usually holds face-to face reviews with twice a year.

Primarily, he will advise on strategy funds and tax wrappers held on a restricted wealth platform. In circumstances of an acquisition or any client where whole of market options best suit a client, he has access to Open Architecture which enables him to leave investments and pensions on their existing mandates and for top ups. There are no plans to change these investments or charging structure unless they can demonstrate that it is in the client’s best interest to do so.

This is ideal for Financial Advisors:

  • Considering retirement
  • Want to hand over to a Chartered Financial Planner who plans on offering advice for the next 20+ years
  • Based in South Yorkshire with an office and two paraplanners there is capacity to absorb additional clients to provide high quality ongoing advice
  • Has funding in place to acquire a client bank with circa £30m FuM

IFA Client Bank Criteria

  • Local client bank within the South Yorkshire / West Yorkshire area
  • Happy with an asset purchase


  • A seamless transition which enables you to still be available post sale on an ambassadorial basis – thus maximising retention of clients
  • No immediate planned changes to existing Investment Mandates or Ongoing Adviser Charges
  • Confidence of clients continuing to receive professional chartered financial advice for many years to come.


South Yorkshire

West Yorkshire

Call us now on 0208 0044 162 to discuss this further

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The information contained in our advert including any on target earnings information are given in good faith and IFA Acquisitions Ltd uses all reasonable efforts to ensure that it is accurate. However, IFA Acquisitions Ltd gives no representation or warranty in respect of such information and all such representations and warranties, whether express or implied, are excluded. No liability is accepted by IFA Acquisitions Ltd for any loss or damage which may arise out of any person relying on or using any information within this advert.